Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Happy Birthday with Roadsigns

There was about four hours before my teenage years were over and I was to be

I knew what had to be done- I had to steal a road sign. Not any road sign- THE road sign. The road sign that would signify my teenage years as over. Most girls get some party, flowers, treated to dinner and other such magicalness... Not this kid. I wanted a roadsign.

See I have a history of it- starting toward the end of high school years, well into college, and there I was, thinking wow, I've come so far. I've gathered quite the collection in a spot I'll remain unnamed and even given a few as presents. Big ones, small ones, usually ones that no one ever sees. Useless ones. Nothing like .... well. Nevermind, most are useless anywho. Speed limits, stop signs, mile markers, giant arrows... seems ages ago.

I had my boys and Squats with me- my main gal, down for anything at anytime. She's got bigger balls than the others put together. I say this matter-of-factly because she's been on some of those runs with me; fetching signs.  These guys? Not pro. Never been. I had a completely new crew and anytime I saw a sign I liked, I got the " noooo, that one's in the light! Let's go to another one." Damnit guys.

There was an hour before my teenage years were over. We HAD to find one HAD TO!!

And there it was in all of it's glory.... a snowflake. So beautiful. Just a simplistic white snowflake on a blue background.  I pulled over as close as I could get but there was a giant snow mound on the side of the road, so I couldn't get my car close enough.  Have no fear- I've don't this many times. Get on my knees as someone climbs on my back. Well, one of the younger bros got on my back- not a small dude, a well-built one. He wasn't quick either... so my back started to hurt. I just remember saying "dude, get off my back a minute and give me a break" as my arms were about to collapse. "almost got it...."
"DUDE YOU SCREAMED GET IN THE CAR!!" Squats yelled and ordered.
I got in the driver's position and everyone filed into the car and we sped away.
You must know as a side note, that was the night I freaked everyone out by makin them think I dyed my hair black. I really just sprayed it with black hairspray.

This is important information because I reached up (gloves on) to see if I was bleeding.
Oh you didn't catch that?? MOTHA RUCKA DROPPED A SIGN ON MY HEAD!!

I reached up, and saw a black pool in my glove. It was dark, so I breathed a little assuming it was the hair dye stuff. Pulled into a gas station so Squats could have a better look- it was blood alright. Damnit. Looked back at the boys and told them to stay- THEY HAD THE DAMN THING IN THE BACK WITH THEM!!! C'mon, even n00bs should know it goes in the trunk!!
Went into the bathroom, and said " Don't freak me out man, just tell me if I need to go to the hospital."
She looks. Winces.
"Dude don't do that to me!"
"I think you need to get stitches."
"Let's go see my mum dude." She used to work at a hospital- she'd know.

We go to my mum's house, I wake her. "mum....?" I say softly.She mutters.
"Mum....?" I say a little louder. "hhhmm?"
" I need you to tell me if i need to go to the hospital."
She shoots up out of bed, flips on the light, "WHAT?"
"It's nothing see? I'm fine. I'm alive. I'm not crying. But I bashed my head pretty good. Can you look at it?"
She looks at it. Winces.
"MUM don't do that to me! "
Wash that black shit outta your hair and then we'll see it." The boys and Squats are waiting patiently in the living room.
"Dude look-" I look at a clock. Fifteen minutes til. We did it. I did it. The last road sign of my childhood.

I washed out the black, careful of the boo-boo. Had her look at it again, " Yeah, you gashed it pretty bad. Put some ice on it." She said calmly and went to bed.

"That's it?" One of the boys said. "She didn't freak out!"
"Yeah, she knows I'm tough."
The boys went home, Squats left, and I was on the couch watchin some adult swim within the next half-hour.  About three in the mornin, I felt my shoulder very wet- went and checked it in the mirror, and the blood had flowed down my head. I washed my hair again, and finally passed out at about five. Woke in the mornin, saw it had crusted over, and now I live with a cool story to tell.

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