Thursday, July 14, 2011

Ohh Caaanadaa!!

This is probably my most absolute favourite story to tell. It's a long one, but believe you me, it's so worth it. Might even be two Blogs worth of writing. Before you read this, know that.... we'll call her Belle- is my best friend ever. EVER. This story is true and none is fabricated.

"Dude, what are you doing at the end of August?" Belle calls me up and asks immediately on a June afternoon.
"Nothing I guess. I don't plan that far ahead." I said. We had just graduated from high school and nothing else was on my mine but to get to college. Finally. I had planned a last trip with all of my bros from high school to go to my home lands of Mississippi, but those plans had fallen through. "Good! You're going with me to Canada to see Blink-182!"
Nice. Last time I was in Canada, I was with my family going to the waterslides. This should be rather interesting. "Okay!" I said.
"Good! I was hoping you'd say that! I ALREADY BOUGHT THE TICKETS!"
She drives up in her pretty little maroon Camero. I hop in, and on our way we go. A seven hour drive. Getting to Canada was easy, seeing as how we lived only 40 miles away.  The roadtrip was great, just what I needed. Some bumpin bass for hours on end to go see some band I've never really listened to. *Shhh don't tell her* Then there it was. The most epic thing on the face of this planet- a ginger llama. She flipped a bitch in the middle of God knows where and pulled over on the side of the road. We went over to talk to it and pet it. Didn't seem to like me but liked the grass Belle was feeding it. We loved that damn llama and all its retardedness. It's effed up feet to its HUGE underbite that made it look really REALLY retarded with it's bugeyes. Oh yes. We loved it so much, that to this day we have friendship necklaces that she later made. Both matching with little llama beads.
Onward we went. Canadians smiled and pointed at us. They liked her specialized plates she had at the time, IPWNU. We finally arrived at Calgary, found our hotel, chilled for a little bit- then we were off. We were poor kids, so we walked everywhere.
WARNING: Unless you are in decent physical condition and CAN walk for HOURS, I don't advise what we did those days in Canada.
Anywhozers, we set off for the concert. Arrived early, but clearly not early enough. Such a LONG LINE! Her tickets were online, so we thought we were supposed to be in the express lane. Walked up there, waited a good 30 minutes, then found out we weren't. Soooooo we cut in line. As in the very front of the line. A girl behind us started bitchin and I just gave her a dirty look as if to say, try me.
No one wants to anger a ginger.
We get through security, and go straight to the tees and stuff. I got a sweet All-American Rejects tee, and she got a Blink-182 hoodie and tee. I heard All-American Rejects start. It was glorious. Tyson Ritter has the voice of an angel. I'll never forget the way he sounded when he sang "The Wind Blows". I think I jizzumed a little.
Anywho, we went in, found our seats... WE WERE IN THE VERY BACK AT THE VERY TOP! Oh heeeelllllls nah. The place wasn't even half filled yet. This sucked. I could barely see that gorgeous man. Plus the jackasses behind us were so amused with the fact that Belle had a damn tattoo on her back. Annoying.
Ohh yes we SO moved up. Not even just to the front of the balcony- we moved UP- as far as we could get forward without being in the VIP crowd. No one was there to check us. We just kinda moved forward when no one was looking. Was there for All-American Rejects. Was there for Fall Out Boy- and again, when Patrick sang Dance, Dance, I think I changed my undies.
Oh yes. That means exactly what you think it means. So exciting.
Then finally- what Belle had been waiting eight years to see- Blink-182 was getting set up. She was super stoked and I was happy for her. Hell, here I am, and still haven't seen my favourite band ever after ten years of support.
Then it happens- two wenches walk up like they got something to own "Uhm, these are our spots." Belle and I just kinda shrug and start conversing amongst ourselves. "No really, these are our seats. You must be mistaken." I could tell by the tone that either daddy didn't love her, or loved her too much because she her whine was ever so unattractive and the snottiness in her voice was enough to make me wanna brawl. "We can all fit." Belle said. The stupid little wankers turned and went to get the po po on staff. "C'mon up here!" This guy said above us, sitting in a big booth just him and a few of his pals. "We'll party with you!" He said, and pulled Belle and I up. "Thanks!" We said, but the snitching wankers pointed us out at the same time we climbed up. The po po came over. They checked our tickets but couldn't quite make them out- Belle was smart enough before to realized it was on computer paper and smudged the shit out of it. "You'll have to get another ticket from the front booth." Said one. " Uh no!" Belle protested. " We paid good money for these seats!" What an actress.
They escourted us out of the stadium. We went to the bathroom and she started sobbing.
I don't mean pansy tears either, I mean don't go chasing waterfalls, because the river is flowing!
"I've waited so long to see them and now I don't get to." The band hadn't started yet but I felt it was close.
"NO!" I screamed at her, " I DID NOT TRAVEL SEVEN HOURS TO GET BOOTED OUT BY SOME STUCK UP BITCHES! YOU WANT TO SEE BLINK-182? WE'RE GONNA SEE THEM DAMNIT!" I grabbed her hand and marched out the bathroom, and into another entrance close to the front- about directly in front of the stage rather than off to the side like we were before. I saw a staff, and went up, "Stay here" I told the broken Belle. "Look," I proceeded, " We got booted out of our row down there, " as I pointed" and they told us our seats were over here and said you could help." I'm a good liar. It's so bad.
"Sorry but there's nothing I can do if I can't read the tickets. There's no extra seating down here." Ha! I CAN SEE IT WHORE! But all I said was, "Please, she's been waiting years to see these guys." The staffass shrugged and at about that time, Belle came running up " I found the other ticket! Here's one!" The staff looked at it, "oh in this row, right this way..."
I just looked at her. "How did you...?"
"I'll explain later." She whispers.
Perfect timing. The band comes on and I think that was the time that SHE needed some extra clothes- SO EXCITED!! After the first song she explained what happened.

"The guy I'm sitting next to saw me crying and asked why. I told him our story, and he gave me his ticket since they'd already seen him. That was his ticket that I handed to the lady. I asked him if he wanted me to pay him something for the ticket but..." she kinda looked at him and smiled a sec.
"He said he didn't take money and I'm pretty sure he wants something else in return."
Dear God. She sold our souls to the devil.
We rocked out, jammed out, and all the while, the greasy, long-haired, middle-aged guy sitting next to us was....sleeping while standing? Not sure. Pretty sure he was coked out. Whatever. But he finally woke one time and started talkin to Belle. I had to save her from this one- "WHAT?" I asked like I knew nothing.  He looks at me with a confused stare. "She said you were in on the deal or something, I don't know, talk to her!"
I looked at her confused. "No I didn't! I said you were with me! He wants sexual favors. We have to leave early."
Ohhh man. So the concert went on, and the dude said "This is our last one!" The lights went dark, she looked to him to see him sleeping or whatever again, "Go!" She said. I held onto her hand tightly, and we booked it up the stairs. We were about to the top when we heard "WAIT STOP!" I looked back and there he was, climbing after us.
"RUN!" I said.
We ran as fast as we could to the bathroom. "STOP! "He called after us.
Time for a quickchange. We took out our shirts and stuff we bought and changed into them. I put my hair up, she threw her hoodie over her head. I checked out- it was clear.
We ran to the doors we thought we first came into- "Sorry ladies you can't leave."
"WHAT?" We said.
"Not out these doors, they're locked. You have to go around.
We ran around, and out the doors, down the stairs, so hysterical with laughter. I took a picture of her in front of the Blink-182 sign. We began our journey back to our hotel. What a night. We were talking about the concert and about the creeper, when all of a sudden we hear running footsteps behind us and "Hey!"
No more nice ginger.
I turned around, put Belle behind me, fists raised "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?"
"Woah woah woah!" This little skinny guy threw his hands up, and jumped back. "Sorry! Didn't mean to scare you!" He said in a drunken slur. "Well what is it?" I put my fists down. Wrong guy. This one was about early twenties with a wicked cut on his brow. "You know where the bar is?" He aked. "We're not from arou-" but before I could get it out, she interrupted me. "Go two blocks down and it's a block to your left." I looked at her.
"Thanks!" He said. And as if just realizing what we were wearing for the first time, "You guys went to the concert?!" We sighed. "Yeah."
"AND GOT TEE SHIRTS?!" I think this guy pissed himself.
"Yeah, I got into a fight and got kicked out." He was smiling and proud."Okay see ya."And we walked off.
"I have no idea where I just lead him, I just didn't want to talk to him!" We laughed and for giggles, went to see where we had lead him.
I kid you not- it was a place called The Bar. I'll never doubt her intuition ever again.
We got back and just chilled. What a night. Tomorrow was where more excitement was to take place. But that's for the next blog.


  1. Wow. Girls were 'stuck up' and 'snotty' because you dumb bitches took the seats they had paid good money for? I would've gotten the security too to remove you, that's just unfair and mean.

  2. Then you live life without adventure or meaning. We could have all fit. But it's people like you that are over posessive. Sorry you have problems my dear :)
