Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Family Time

Soooooo after begging and pleading, I finally decided to go stay with my cousin Juju and Mema in Mobile, Alabama whilst Hurricane Isaac was in motion. I don't have work for the time being, and I suppose being alone in my apartment would have gotten dull... I would have ran out of puzzle.

So staying at my cousin's has been a blast. I get to hang out with little people, Juju's five year old crazy gal, and 18 month old little guy.  Keeping him entertained is quite simple- an empty toilet tissue roll will do. As for the five year old, I think she talks more than I did when I was her age ( if y'all can imagine!) and she's all full of conversation. 

Being five and all, she's yet to get exposure to a crazier side of humanity- the side with tattoos, piercings, and wicked hair styles.  She's very curious about mine. Observe our conversations we've had these past couple days..

"Why do you have holes in your liiiiyups?" (She has an adorable accent and it must be noted!)
I chuckle a little bit, "I'll tell you when you're older. I have no idea how to explain it to someone under the age of fifteen."
"Oh. Well I have a friend and her sister has a hole in her nose. She wants one too because that's what you do when you're older."
"You get holes in your nose when you're older, huh?"
"That's what she is gonna do! Like her sister! Are you gonna get holes in your nose?"
"Nooo, not me. Where do you think the boogers are gonna come out if I have a hole in my nose?"

"You have holes in your ears too!"
"Yes I do. It's where I put my jewelry."
"Like your diamonds in your liiiiiyups!"
"Haha sure."
"I like them. I think they're beauuuutiful! I think they're pretty because they're blue. And I like blue. But not really. I like pink actually."
"Thank you?"
"Come play with my bunnies!"

*We're sittin on the couch and I notice her lookin at me so I look and smile back*
"You have orange hair."
"Yes I do. Rare for someone to have orange hair."
"Do people make fun of you at school?"
Well actually.....
I just chuckle.
"Do people make fun of you for your glasses?"
"No. People actually like my glasses. Do YOU make fun of me for my glasses?"
"No! I think they're preeeeeyuuttty. I have glasses too!"
"Oh you do eh?"
"Yeah. Minnie Mouse ones."

These are the fun times I have whilst during a hurricane. Family for the win.

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