Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Internetless But Still Rockin

I know it's been quite some time since my last post. Being internetless has proved to be inconvenient in more ways than one. But it's been over a year and still I press on.

Anywho, this occasion of blog is dedicated to the family of which this scenario is kinda about. Just kinda.

As most of you know (and to my new readers every day who don't) I moved back to the dirty south.  My mema is here and plus... there ain't no place like the dirty south.

On my weekends from work, as per usual, I go to see my mema. She lives about thirty minutes away in the next city and I always like to make the best of the drive by cranking the music with delicious bass and dashboard dancing like there's no tomorrow.

On the way home from mema's I popped the newest Macklemore album (the shit by the way; this man makes a good name for the rap genre).  Staring at the penis cloud overhead, lipsyncing like nobody's business, I come to a stoplight. This light seemed to go on forever. In the midst of my aggressive dance gestures, I can feel someone to my right staring at me.  I look, and it's an older guy with three kids in the car, ages ranging from probably eleven to six. He has a smile on my face, and starts tapping at his kids telling them to look my way.

I do what any other enjoyable individual would do in said situation- turn it up, roll down the window and start lipsyncing to the children. They were all rather amused. As was the guy in the car to my left. But he's not the inspiration behind my writing. Another story another day.

Either way.

The light turns green, and I smile back at the children as I the next stoplight. So here we are again, the kids now dancing as well when I notice the small child in the back seat trying to tell me something. I turned down the music for a split second, she yelled to me, "Do the funky chicken!"

I looked at her as a maggot looks at his commanding officer. Yes. Ma'am.

I cranked it, and started wildly doing the funky chicken as best I could. The children were satisfied and the light turned green. I drove off dashboard dancing into the sunset.  A happy fairy tale ever after.

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