Wednesday, December 4, 2013

It's a Small World After All

As y'all know by now, I do enjoy my clubbing from time to time. Not that of the baby seals, just the dancing, occasional drinking, and ego boosts from getting hit on by men.

A couple Thursdays ago, me and my ladies went to one of our favourite night clubs- we get in and drink free on these nights. It was a typical night, not one worth going into detail about. The usual happened:

  • Dodge the man in a jumpsuit rolling on acid
  • Dance to the songs we know
  • Avoid 'creepers' and shank a bitch if one tries to mess with one of my girls
  • Mildly  make fun of the go-go dancers who are terrible at dancing

    Typical evening.  
There was one gent in there kinda worth mentioning- a light skinned mulatto who eyed me from the edge of the dance floor. His approach was graceful and polite, his dance moves within the realm of ordinary black man moves, and his smile genuine. With him, the evening went on in waves.

He'd come for a dance, I'd stay for one, run back with my girls and continue our thing until approached again.  Once or twice he'd asked for my number and all I replied was "We'll see how the night goes." By the end of our evening when we were cutting out early, he makes a last attempt and I politely take his phone and enter in some random ten digits and tell him my phone is in the car.

We walk away, nothing to be seen here, nothing out of the ordinary.

Now the next week one of my main ladies was in town and upon request wanted to go to the same club as it is a favourite of her's as well. Thursday nights are always good nights so we go in and our usual yet again:

  • Dodge the man in a jumpsuit rolling on acid
  • Dance to the songs we know
  • Avoid 'creepers' and shank a bitch if one tries to mess with one of my girls
  • Mildly  make fun of the go-go dancers who are terrible at dancing

    Typical evening.
Until the nightmare of all of the wrong-number-handing-out girls' happens- the same guy sees me in the club.  I act natural, give him a wave, smile, and turn to dance with my ladies, sending the face of red-flag. It's our code face for abandon ship.

Of course, he casually came over to dance again within the night and told me the number was wrong.
"Oh that's weird," and gave him another fake. 

See, I have this problem with being rude or tellin someone to 'fuck off' if they really haven't done anything wrong or been mean in the slightest. So, giving out a wrong number and crossing my fingers I'll never see them again is the nicest way to let them know it's just not gonna happen.

We walk away, nothing to be seen here, nothing out of the ordinary.

Two days ago I started my workweek again. Ate the usual lunch down at the employee dining area (tuna wrap with spinach) and on my way back to the casino entrance, I look over at valet like I usually do to see who's coming in out of pure curiosity.

I'll have you know I see that delightful son of a bitch.

I'll also have you know he works for the same casino. In valet.

When I looked over, he was walking up to the doors and at the same time, we smiled at each other, I gave a half-assed wave and our facial expressions were similar; perplexed and thinking, hm. I've seen them somewhere before and as if our brains at the same time made the connection to the club, our eyes got wider and awkward oh shit smiles came across our faces.

I didn't stop, just kept walking and ran to my cocktails to gossip to them.

"BUSTED! You are sooooo busted!" One of them said as I concluded my story telling them who I just saw.
"Just tell him. Tell him you're taken if he says anything. That's understandable." Said another.
"Yeah, I know, it's just so weird! This never happens!"

The same day I did have to pass valet again to drop off the dirt rags in their determined bin. Headed back to the casino, he's walking toward me this time, smile on his face and we both start laughing.

"Oh my gosh hi!" He says with a hug.
"Haha hi. You're the guy from the club, aren't you?" I blush, wincing with embarrassment.
"Yeah yeah that's me. I was so drunk when I was there..." he chuckled a little, almost apologetically.
We're in good humours so I cut to the chase.
"So I totally gave you the wrong number on purpose." I start laughing. He laughs too, "Oh I asked for your number? I didn't even know! Oh man I was so gone that night. I remember us dancing a little," He says, a big smile still on his face.
"Oh really? It was no big deal, you didn't act an ass or anything, I'm just dating someone and I didn't want to give you a huge shut down is all."
Still chuckling at the whole scenario,"That's great! It's really no big deal, I don't even remember half the night!"

You would have thought we were old friends carrying on the way we were.
"Yeah I was there with him actually," Gesturing to one of his coworkers. He started walking toward the sliding doors to the outside and I also took my cue to head back to my post. "That's cool, I'll see you around."

And that, people, is why you always stay polite, courteous, and spare people their shame as often as you can. Never know who you'll run into again or work with.  

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