Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Asian Goo Goo

Everyone has that one band/comedian/famouswhatever that they've been waiting to see. Sometimes years after they discover them, sometimes their life. I finally got to see mine. I've been waiting since the ripe age of ten, even before I knew you could actually go to concerts to see these people in bright lights.

Friday was a shit day.  It was supposed to be my day off, but being a loving employee for one of my three jobs, I headed in to slave some hard workin hours.  I didn't seem to be on my game and my boss seemed to hate every minute of it.  Maybe it was sleep deprivation. Maybe it was because I really REALLY wanted a day off. Three jobs, c'mon. The stars finally aligned and I didn't have to go to any of them? I should have known better. 

But. I knew what was happening that night. I had to stay strong. Fight the fatigue. WIN. AT. POTATOES. It's part of my job. Not important right now.

Five rolls around. I'm so tired and irritated I almost don't care. I barely say two words and roll out. I'm so drained. Hungry. People are blowing up my phone but I don't want to talk to them. I get home, smelling like food, and strip as soon as the door shuts so I can get a shower. Prepare myself for the night.

My night. The one I've been looking forward to.

Goo Goo Dolls.

Yeah I know, not necessarily a band anyone ever gets choked up on. Only a million hits of theirs hit top charts and they have the number one song of last decade (Iris) but no big deal. 

I have a very profound appreciation for this band.  The only band I can think of that has always been huge since the eighties and has managed to keep coming out with amazing music without swearing every other word, constantly talk about humping someone, or sell their music with the the whole worldly mantra of "sex sells". They sell. The purity in their voices, instrumental sound, and their overall humbleness. 

Most of all, Johnny Rzeznik has been my crush before I could even flirt. I remember the first time I heard Sympathy, one of their top hits. Later, Iris, on the radio.  The older I got, the more hits I heard from them, the more I decided they were the band for me. They sang about something different. Or at least in different ways.

About saving the world. About taking a break and sitting back and just being kind. About children who can make a difference but we need to say prayers for them so they actually can instead of being held back.

We can all bump and grind to the pussy/money/weed songs, we can all bang our heads to music that embraces our pain and screams lyrics with us, and we can all drink to the sing-talk about ... well who the fuck knows what that crazy bitch sing-talks about. Jack and coke. Fuck.

Seriously though, Goo Goo Dolls has always had an impact in the musical world. A chance to think about something new.

I'm getting into a bunch of different tangents. Back to the story.

I get a shower. Do the hair. Put on my war paint. Dress. Heels. I wanna look nice. Look my classiest.

Then I start laughing at what I'm wearing. GOO GOO DOLLS! ALTERNATIVE ROCK!! I'M DRESSED FOR AN OPERA!!

So I strip again, throw on my Chucks, plaid shirt, fuck up my hair, and now we're golden. Time for sushi.


I roll up to the casino where they're performing. An hour early. People probably aren't rushing for this. Probably not a crowd waiting. But I am.

Elevator is quiet. I walk through the lobby. The casino. Take a right. Straight. It's all a blur. I am in a one track to get to the goal.  Line. Not too big.  I withdraw cash.  I know I'll be getting shit. My favourite band. How can I not?

Small talk in the crowd. I'm not surprised I look to be the youngest. This is an 80's band after all. Still timeless to me.  Name.

Name and Broadway. That's all I wanna hear.  I'm not thinkin they'll play songs that aren't a top 20. So those are the two I go in there wishing they would play.

They open the doors. A patient crowd. No one is rushing. Pushing. Not even at the tee and CD's table. I walk up to it as everyone is passing by. I want something now so I don't have to beat the rush out to get something later.  I remembered this from the concert I went to in Canada.

A light brown tee with pink and orange writing. I already like what I see. Buy it. Make small talk with the sales guy as he's not busy right then and there.
"So you get to tour with these guys all year eh?"
"Every time."
"You're so lucky," I say with a half-sided smile.
"Eh, it's just a job."
I look at him half crazed and shocked.
"Hey buddy, you wanna trade you hit me up!"
"I thought it was cool when I was twenty."

I mean. I understand selling tees for a living can't be too exciting, but you tour the world. With a respectable band. You have a guaranteed place to stay. What could be more perfect?

I smile and walk off.

I enter the venue. Big. But even the shitty seats are good ones. Not too big. I see a big arena in the center. Probably for VIP. Bastards. By the time I even got wind Goo Goo was comin here, I didn't even have the chance to get a VIP anything.

I hand my ticket to an usher. I don't feel like more small talk.
"Right there, miss." He points just a row up.
I smile and go accordingly.
Just people watching for the next hour.

The usual. Tipsy, happy women, men carrying beer, the occasional sexy Asian...
Then I saw a group of sexy Asians. They walked in front of my row and through a side curtained doorway to the right. Now I hated them. Probably more rich VIP bastards.

An hour later the lights went dark. A few bodies on stage began to move. Cheering ensued.  Then the bodies were lit.  A voice, "Yeah. So we're not the Goo Goo Dolls." Laughter throughout the room.

It was the Asians that walked past me!
"This is the second time we've had the pleasure of opening up for the Goo Goo Dolls. It's an amazing feeling. We're Run River North."  Lemme tell you... they were nothing short of amazing.  They were strings/ acoustic.

Six of them on stage.  The closest thing I can compare their sound to is Mumford and Sons.  Violins, small drums, beautiful and raw voices... that lead singer could wail. The lead gal had no strong stage presence but her voice rang through so smoothly.  Enough to make up for her very still body.

The night couldn't have started more perfect.  The ginger with yellow fever gets to see her favourite band and opening for them is the most beautiful site she could ever wish for. A Christmas miracle.

After their songs, the lead makes mention they were going back to their booth to sell their CDs and things and to drop by. I waited five minutes before making a move. So they could get out there.

When I got out there, a line, but one I could wait for. I knew the Headline wouldn't play for another 30 or so.  Creating tension.  I stepped up to buy a CD. I opened it.  "Sign it for me please?" They were very humble and happy to do so, thanking me and other fans for our support.   Fans were getting some of them to take pictures with them.  I waited for the perfect moment and asked them to all just squeeze together. A happy little Asian family photo. I return to my seat.  A couple to my left. A couple to my right.

Dear god, please don't let any of them be the type that sing. I came here to enjoy the music. Not to hear lyrics be butchered.

The lights dim again. Cheering. Bodies running on stage in the dark. I don't even remember the first song they played. I was in my happy place. My moment. Staring. Smiling. Eyes watering.  They finished the song. Johnny Rzeznik is talking. Talking. In the same room as me.  I see his face on the big screen next to the stage. I look from the screen to him. Talking into the mike. 

Never. Has a V-neck looked so good.
Never. Have camo cargo pants looked so nicely snug on a man's rear.
Rockin the Chucks. 
That signature hair of his- perfectly feathered and blonde.
That smile.
He looked as ever good as he did when he was young.

Sympathy. That's the second song they played. My eyes couldn't hold it in any longer. I began to cry, his voice so authentic.  So real. Untouched by synth, auto tune, or any other unnatural alteration of voice.  It was really him. 

More songs, more cheering, and then finally the lights change to a different pace, another voice stands out on the stage.  Robby Takac.

Now, for those who just like Goo Goo and aren't really huge fans, people are lookin at this guy like, Dub tee eff, mate? Because they didn't know that Goo Goo Dolls has another lead singer.

Now this guy, he's always looked like he belongs in some emo or screamo band.  Kind of a stocky guy, medium black hair...but his sound totally meshes with the band.  He has a very distinct and very unique voice.

He plays his song Smash from one of their older albums.  Now those of us who know who the hell this guy is get jacked! He has a certain energy to him. Very charismatic. Next he plays January Friend!! Being a January baby, I have a love for this song, also an older one. 

His voice like it never aged a bit. Hitting those high notes. On pitch. Jumping around on stage. What an awesome site.

The concert went on like that. Of course, they end the show with Iris. I smile. People all around the room are singing and I don't care.  It's the song that everyone loves. Their biggest hit. It's not one of my songs I came wanting to hear, but it will suffice.  They didn't play my songs, but I got to see them. Live. After all these years. So many shows passed and missed opportunities and finally. In my loved city.

The lights go dim as they say goodnight. The crowd roars, "ENCORE! ENCORE!" and no one is moving. The crowd in the arena is jumping, clapping their hands. The people in their seats, including me, are not moving.  A good five, ten minutes pass. They seriously aren't coming back. I didn't expect it, but we can all hope.

You see Johnny walk on stage, guitar in hand, "You know, it's crazy that we got this far." The crowd goes crazy, all members walking back on stage. "I'm gonna play one for you..."

No way.

"Our very first hit on the radio..."

NO you're NOT.

"This one is called Name."

I about shit myself jumping out of my seat. I didn't care. I started screaming with everyone else. 

Throughout the whole concert I was very quiet. Sat in my seat in awe. Didn't sing. Clapped on good occasion. Like the first time I saw a giraffe up close. I didn't do anything but stand in the awe.

I heard the first two plucks of that song and jumped and ran- ran down to the area where all the people were standing. Luckily the security guard knew me from going to the club there so much so all he did was wink.  I couldn't stop crying. My song was playing right before me.  Such a sad song, beautiful song, satisfying and relaxing song all at once.  Closer to his face, I still saw that Johnny could feel what he was singing.  His voice coming out still so very pure.

The song ends. He looks to Robby as the crowd goes insane and BAM! BUSTS OUT WITH BROADWAY!! The other song I was dying to hear!! Now the crowd is pumped, know the show is coming to a true end and everyone i jumping and clapping to the beat. 

So perfect. Such a shit day turned into a night I won't forget.  Everyone left smiling, talking about what a good concert it was.

I'm not one to fangirl about things. I've seen a few celebrities in close encounters, seen lots of famous bands with decent music, and I've never really gotten overly excited, knowing the fact they're people like me.  I just can't believe I finally got to show my appreciation by buying a ticket and enjoying such a delightful concert. 

Mark that one off the bucket list. Next? Flight attendant.