Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Take a Lesson

You know what I have genuinely never understood? Those who aren't accepting. Those who genuinely think that because someone that doesn't dress like them, look like them, are interested in the same things are them, and think like them are just other worthless individuals. Those of you reading are probably more open and I'm preaching to a choir. Those who aren't reading probably read the first line, scoffed, and went on with their lives. Here's just a day in what I get havoc for ....

I'm currently an R.A. for a said college in Wyoming. I don't mind sticking up for others and putting others in their place, but this past week when shit is tossed to me, so to speak, I have felt I couldn't use my techniques to make the asses look like idiots because I'm supposed to be some sort of 'better example' to other students.
 I recently have whacked my hair from past shoulder length to a faux hawk.  The longest part just a little past my ears.  Of course the lesbian jokes started and I've always gotten those so I laughed along.

The particular incidences comes from a group of individuals who tend to dress.. oh, for easy visualization's sake, we'll say hickish but without the cowboy hats and their fathers' dirty baseball caps instead. Get the picture? Okay-

Ever since my hawk's first appearance, almost every day in the cafeteria I'd hear it- the rooster call. At first I brushed it off. Not my style of doing things, but as an 'example' or whatever I tried to not let it bother me.  Then again. And again. I started glaring back, hoping they would back down.  Today there were fire drills in all five resident halls of our campus. I found out where the particular group of boys lived.  As I passed they proceeded to rooster call. I glare back. "Ever heard of a flock of seagulls?!" Wow. How original asshat. I felt I couldn't do anything. All of their fellow peers there and all I was dreaming of was how much I wish I wasn't a faculty member at that particular time. It would be so worth it. I turned my back on it. After all halls were cleared, I walked back to my room. At first it was just deep breaths- by the time I hit my door it started- liquid anger. Tears streaming. I couldn't help it. Never in my life had I not stuck up for myself or said anything and I felt like a complete failure.

I called up my boss and demanded we talk immediately. I went to his apartment building and explained to him my predicament. He looked at me and shook his head. "Yes you can." I lit up, curious for further. "As long as there is no violence involved you sure can. You are expected to stand up for yourself."  I was relieved.  My boss had just given me the OKAY to open up a can of whoop-ass with words on some sheltered male trollops who deserve it. They have no idea what's in for them.

I won't approach for no reason. I'll wait. For it to happen again. Because I know it will. I hope it's in the cafeteria. I hope their peers are around. I hope they feel ashamed. I hope they dare try it again or on someone else. I will be there. I will end this. This is not a revenge statement. This is a promise. I promise to be true to myself and allow others to have their own growth as well. No exceptions.  Join me if you will- you see this happening? Say something, if not directly then to someone who isn't afraid. You are doing this? I hope you read this and take it to heart and stop your madness. It even gets to the best of us eventually.

Best wishes to everyone.


  1. Well I love you. Weather u enjoy the vagina or no and however ur hair my fall.

  2. Fuck them. They have nothing better to do. Look at it this way. Their conversations are so lame and uninteresting that they have to resort to 5th grade antics to have a laugh. Sad thing is that words probably won't hurt them. You should go kick them in the balls. That would get a point across! :)

  3. You go for it, you, Tibby, are an awesome human and you shouldn't take their shit. Hit them where it hurts, they've had it coming.<3

  4. Thibs. I absolutely LOVE you for this <3 This is AMAZING! This hit home with me. Not because I'm one of the bullies, but rather because I've felt this pain. Maybe in a different form of name calling. I ALWAYS try to stand up for people getting picked on because I know how it feels. I admire you for this. And I hope I'm there when this goes down ;)
