Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Okay, so I've made reference to "tastes like honey on stale bread" or "tastes like success" and instead of trying to explain this damn reference a million times over, I will gladly let you all in on an inside joke of how the saying came into play.

So about... last summer, Squatsy and I went to Lake Fresno up in Montana on a particularly hot day. We were there quite a while- long enough to swim out to the island in the lake and swim back, frolic on the boat docks, and get mostly dried on the shore... shore? no, the edge. Stupid Montana lakes don't have shores.

Montana also doesn't have bodies of water NEAR anything... they're all out in the middle of no where.

Anywhozers, we were damn hungry and so terribly thirsty! On any other given day, it was a hands down that I would have some kinda food in the car- most of the times it was peanut butter and jelly with bread and doritos or some awesome shit like that.

This trip was more spur of the moment and we just kinda left, not even thinking about food stuffs.  Just for shits and giggles, I started rooting around in my car anyway. I found some bread in the back seat under the mountain of things in my car from whence I lived from that summer. Stale bread. . .. pretty sure from the weeks before when I had gone out and brought snacks.

I rooted around some more, and in my middle console found some honey packets.  Usually after working, I would wait to empty my pockets in my car and I would have honey, straws... whatever else a waitress has in her apron after work.

Squats and I each took a couple of slices of that stale bread, ripped open our honey packets, and poured on the car-hot substance. We locked eyes, eyed the bread, closed our eyes and prayed to god we weren't gonna get sick.

"What does it taste like?" She asked me.
After a few brief moments and a bite more, I looked at her smiling, "Tastes like success."
She started to chuckle, "Wait wait wait. So you're tellin me, honey on stale bread tastes like success?"
"Yes. Yes I believe so."
"I've always wondered what that tasted like....."

So there you have it. That is what I am referencing from and now you too can have an awesome saying that no one understands.

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