Thursday, May 23, 2013

Vegas or New Oreans? That Is The Question

Alright churrins, I finally have time again to write... Let's do a little update with my life eh?

Been working 16 hours a day... bartender in the day, housekeeper at night.
I got the barback position.
Bartender in the day. Barback at night.
I hate the bar I worked for.
No more day bartending.
Barback by night. Life is sweet.

That's pretty much what this blog is about.. all of my awesome adventures of the process that got me to where I am now, and then I kinda want some input on what I should do for the future.

When I moved back to Mississippi, this has been my plan for a very long time- bartending. Whatever it was that I had planned to do, school, other jobs, whatever- my main goal was to be a bartender to support myself.  That and I've always thought as bartenders as the coolest people. Always so chill. So personable. Got swag.

Getting paid to talk to people and get them drunk? Sounds like my kind of job.

But I found out quickly that bartending isn't like it was in the north.. there's a certain amount of skill that people want you to have. To be certified. To be quick yet clean about it. Professional.  I knew there was a school for it, but I waited months to even check it out. I was thinking I had to pay for the school in full. One day I decided I was done waiting. I was getting impatient and wanted things to roll now now now! I drove to the school nearest me - about thirty minutes to the next city.

I walked in and talked to the administer. He walked me through the school, showed me the gaming part of the school with all sorts of gambling tables and also the bartending side of the school.
"You can make a lot more money as a dealer" he told me, ranting on about the money figures.
"That's cool and all, but I just want to bartend."
"You can. We have financial aid programs for doing both."
"That's really great. But all I want to do is bartend."

I found out that day that I don't even have to start paying for my schooling until six months after I graduate. I came in that following week and started The first week in February. Three month class. Five days a week. Five hours a day. Add that on top of a grave shift job, and you have yourself one hell of a messed up schedule.

But I did it. For three months. Always showed up on time for work and school. There was a hiccup once or twice but the point was that I made it. In the beginning the months seemed to drag but as time went on, and now that I am finished, I see that it went by so quickly. 

Immediately I applied for the open barback positions at my casino resort I was already working at. I talked to Human resources, called who I could, even had my instructor at the bartending school call up there. I wanted the job so badly.

Next thing I know, the head calls me up and tells me to come in for an interview. Hells the fuck yeah. When can I do it? Whenever your little heart desires. I went in the next morning, right after work and right before school. I told the instructor I would be late but he was cool about it. I mean. This is what I am going to school for!

I didn't think I would get the job to be honest. Just the way I kinda got looked at. Ohh Thibs is a girl...

"You know what this job is don't you? He asked.
"Yes sir. Barback."
"That's a lot of lifting a night. Lots of running around. Picking up beer cases."
"Yes sir. This is what I want to do. I heard you have to be a barback first before you become a bartender here."
"That's right. Usually we have guys as barbacks..."
"This is what I want to do. I have been in this company for nine months now. I would like to stay in this company, but if you don't want me to have a job here, that's fine. I will go to New Orleans like I planned or maybe even Vegas where the money is. Either way, I'm going to get into this business whether it be here or not."
He leans back. Smiles. Nods his head. "Alright." He says.
"Look," I smirk,"don't let the pretty dress and the nice heels fool you. I did this for the interview process. I am a tough gal. This is what I want to do."
"Thank you for your time. I should be giving you a call sometime this week," He said as we both got up and shook hands.

I really didn't think I got it. I almost wanted to cry.

The interview was at nine that morning.
Class started at ten.
It wasn't even noon before I got the call back, telling me that I was hired.
I was so excited I started to cry.

It was one of those moments in life where you have gotten shit on and shit on for the longest time and when something finally goes your way you can't help but smile.

Everyone I have met at work is cool too. They tell me, "You'll move fast to be a bartender. Some of the ones we have don't even know as much as you and they were only barback for a couple months." That gives me hope.
Some of them told me, "You're the chick? We've never had a chick barback. That's cool. You're the first."  And that also makes me feel empowered. I like doing things that people say I can't do. Most everyone appreciates that feeling and knows what I am talking about..

So here is my question for poll.. After giving it a good year or so at this casino, any suggestions for my next step? I have heard that Vegas is full of hard people but there is a good living to be made. A very good living. I also heard that New Orleans is a good living to be made and is a little more laid back as far as the type of people... I can see myself living in either place and rolling with the punches no matter where I go but I guess I just want a say. What you think?

Until next time my dedicated followers!

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