Friday, August 26, 2011

In Cali We Rise

One of my favourite memories and my best friend Queer, as we shall call him, is when we took a two week roadtrip to start in Wyoming, go to Salt Lake, Vegas, Los Angeles, up all the coast of Cali, Portland, Seattle, then Missoula, Montana, and back to our little college in Wyoming. This is just one of the many stories we got through this experience.

We were finally in Portland after all of our trip- eating nothing but McD's salads- seeing as how I'm pescetarian and we were poor kids. Mostly me. My Queer paid for this trip and the next one is on me.  At any rate, we were finally in Portland, land of all that is green and concrete in between. I just remember the two of us being stoked beyond all belief- screaming at the top of our lungs at any car that drove past, sharing our excitement. Eyes wide, and loving the feeling of being in a big city once again.

We followed a car with the license plate of FAP until we passed it. Then we started screaming about how pretty the town was. "SO PREEETEEEEEEE" screamed Queer. We were so stoked. We passed the Shanghai Tunnels however. Saddest day ever! But there were lots of other things in the trip that made the sadness disappear quickly. Screaming "YEON" at cars was super fun especially when the people in other vehicles look petrified.

We crossed the bridge into Vancouver and saw more of the pretty green that covered older houses and lovely little parks. The whole experience was to die for- just two college kids looking for adventure in the most awesome places.  We took pictures and even videos of our screeching excitement.

Two weeks sleeping in a car with only two showers the whole trip and a couple salads a day. Just goes to show you can have fun anywhere as long as you allow yourself to have it. Doesn't have to be fancy, doesn't have to be expensive. Just as long as your inner child comes out and you bring someone along to play along with your silly games.

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