Sunday, August 28, 2011

Riding Horses

Yesterday was the first time ever I rode a horse. End of intro.

The past two weeks have been super busy due to Resident Assistant training and I finally had a day off save the hours I had to work front desk.  After those hours the gal I'd been working with, "Cinth", a German that came to Woming of all places, had asked me if I wanted to go riding with her. I was quite nervous- seeing as how I already had issues riding in cars and the thought of riding something with a mind of its own was no comfort. Nonetheless I agreed to go with her. Just one of those things that I thought to myself that I'd regret not going if I didn't go.

We arrived at her host family's ranch and I saw tens of horses. Colts, Mustangs, 'Sluts' as Cinth called them, and other kinds of horses and magicalness. First we fed them- this I had no problem with.  Once upon a time in middle school I always went to another friend's ranch and we fed cows. Horses, cows, big animals that eat hay. Easy enough.

Then it started to become real- we were getting the horses. Cinth got mine for me first- "Her name is Pearl," as she handed me the rope to lead the horse out to the post to get her saddle on.  She was a beautiful silverish brown horse.  

Now at this moment, I was calm. I had to be. I've watched too many of those damn discovery shows where they tell you that animals freak the fuck out because they can feel your tension through the leash/rope/harness or what have you and it makes them tense too. So, due to paranoia, I was as loose as I could possibly be. Pearl was a good horse either way. She was very still and patient when I brushed her and stood relatively still when Cinth put the saddle on her. Then she put the saddle on her horse, Sal. He was a lighter colour than Pearl was.  We walked a little ways down a path, then two clicks to get them at a trot, then Cinth looks over at me, "Want to get them to gallop?" Here we go, I thought. This is where the horror comes into play and I fall off the horse at high speeds. "Sure." Two kiss noises and we were off. I was very calm as I clung to the saddle and reigns. This was unlike anything I'd ever done. I mean. Really. Think about it. Even you that have ridden horses and dolphins all your life- you're on an animal. As yourself, another living, breathing creature. It takes a lot of trust between human and beast. We came to a halt after a bit, Cinth giving me lessons on how to circle a horse and speed up and stop and other directions.

"I'm impressed. You sure this is your first time?" She asked me.  This made me smile. "Yeah, never ridden in my life." We rode back to the ranch, out in some pasture and saw other wild horses.  "Next time, we'll go to the creek. Pearl loves to play in the creek." She was also pointing out to me some rocks and hills and stuff that the horses can go up. "Another time when we have more time." She said.  Sounded great to me.

On our way home she started talking about getting to train horses and breaking them and even suggested I could break my own horse one day.  I can't believe I'd never considered any of this before. Hell, I grew up around enough of it but I suppose was always turned off by the idea because I considered it hickish. It took a crazy German to invite me to see how fun it was haha. I even started talking about buying my own boots. (That day for riding, I had converse. OH yeah. I'm that kid.)

Conclusion? You already know it. Get out there and do something you've never done. Never gone bowling and Aunty Freakshow invites you? GO! Never been bungee jumping because you're too afraid to smack the ground and best friend Chomper invites you? You'd better go. Live life. Don't fear it.

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