Thursday, June 21, 2012

From Montana To Mississippi

Holy cow, been a while since I've been able to post. I have very limited computer access, so bear with me.  I will now tell details of my trip, with youtube videos to come so be watching for those!

Day 1(Sunday)- Who leaves on a Sunday you ask? Well, when you're Queer has only one day off a week from the job he has, you take that day to say your goodbyes. So yeah, I left on a Sunday.  Big mistake on my part. . . because when my car's engine light went on, you quickly find that there is no where open that can help you. . . plus also your Queer doesn't show up at ten in the mornin like he says he will. Oh no. You are stranded to roam the Montana city until a couple of Germans invite you to play mini golf and meet up with your queer later at the mall at about five in the evening for him to yell at you.  Delicious. Man I miss him.

Day 2(Monday)- At seven in the morning, I find out that my car needs fixin. . . about a $1,000 fix. Use the money I've saved to do my cross-country roadtrip? I think NOT! After bawling like a little baby betch, I find I can make payments. SCORE! Oh the car will be done by noon? Sure thing skipper.

So at about five that evening, my car is finished and I START my roadtrip. Blasphemous I say. First stop- South Dakota. From prior experiences to travelling to this state, I was a bit scared I was going to run into what me and the Asian like to call "The Derps". Drive,drive, drive, drive, drive, and I decided I can't have my eyes stay open any longer. Where was I staying the night? Where all the cool kids stay- at the trucker stop. I got my bros, that's all I need. My mother insisted I find a hotel. Where's the adventure in that? I wake with the sun, only having 4 hours of sleep, and keep driving.  My destination was only 3 more hours away. 

I didn't think my host (we'll refer to him as Anarchist) would be at home so I pissed around.  Finding little towns to terrorize, etc etc. Finally I got bored waiting for him to be on lunch break and went to the address I was given. Walked in and heard someone upstairs. "Hello?" I called up.
"I think he's in his room." A voice called down.
"THIBODEAUX!!!" I hear.
I ran up to see my greeter, bursting into his room.  The times of fun had begun.  Stayed at his place the night, met the roommates, the dog, up the next morning, and on to adventure.

Day 3(Tuesday)- This was a day of the long haul.  I stopped once to eat and stopping for gas when needed.  Everything was changing toward the end of the day. The air was becoming heavy, the sun was pounding. . .that day, I got news from the North that there was snow. PAH! Man that sucks. . .anywho, I get as far as Tennessee, a little hotel right outside Memphis. 

THIS was the defining moment of my trip.  THIS was when I knew I was no longer in a foreign place such as the north anymore. "Well hey darlin, what can I do for you?"
The exchange continued, I wanted a room, ID, get the key blah blah. . . but AFTER the fact she just sold me a room, this conversation took place. ..

"You can park around back if you like, closer to your room. Or you can park right in front of the office tonight and I'll watch your car. You know, we had three cars broken into last night? But I think that's because the owners of the cars made someone mad." She spoke with a matter-of-fact smile.

"Is that right?" I asked, not weary now. Hell, driving all day, I decided I could sleep in another truck stop. Have Big Boy Billy bring out his banjo and all the other good ol' boys so we can have ourselves a campfire oh the hood of their semi so they can all lul me to sleep. ..

"Mmhmm. You hear anything funny tonight honey, you just call me. I mean it. Call me for anything. If you miss your momma, call me and I'll be your momma for the night. Call me to chat. To feel safe. I'm here for you, ya hear me?"

Oh yeah, she was serious. "Yes, ma'am." I smiled and moved my car in the front of the office, walked up to the second floor and went to bed.

Day 4 (Wednesday)- Got up and went down for some breakfast. In the little dining area, weren't but me and two other gals plus the front desk clerk.  "You want some sausage honey? I can cook some up." She asked.
"No ma'am, some toast and jelly will do me fine."
The ladies were eyeing me from their table. I looked and smiled, asked about their morning.
"Oh we're havin a good one, baby." The bigger of the two responded. "We was just lookin at your dress, wasn't we?" Asking the other gal sitting with her. "Mmhmm that is a real pretty colour on you."

Just a red dress. A red dress that looked like it came from Jamaica and one you can't bend over in. "Thank you ladies. Where you headed?"
" Oh we're vacationing in Memphis. Just cheaper to get a hotel on the outskirts of town. Where you headed, baby?"
The started laughing with disgusted looks. "Ain't they got possums and some nasty things down there?"
"Haha, yes ma'am. Crocs, roaches, armadillos."
"Mmhmm, we saw an armadillo. Ran it over. Those things can take out your car you know? A natural armour, they have. Mmhmm. Well you take care baby and have a good one!"

That I did have. I got to Pascagoula in no time. Rolled up to Mema's place and everything had looked as it was when I was last there.

More adventures to come, so stay tuned. I saw that I get viewers from all over the world about my blog. AWESOME! Spread my stories, and maybe one day you'll see yourself in them :) Have a good one!

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