Sunday, September 4, 2011

Thugs, Beads, and Toaster Struddles

This story is about my 13th birthday party. I assure you the title will make sense once you've read it through. My family and I had just moved into this two story house with a basement and had no furniture. Eleven girls were invited over to sleep in our big empty living room floor. Enjoy.

I'd never had a birthday party that I actually remembered before this one. Sure, my mum tells me I had a ton of parties when I was younger, but who remembers those? Memories wasted on the younger I tell ya! Anywhozers, My mum was well prepared- so much little breakfast items it was improbable we'd starve in the morning, she had six or eight pizzas ordered, six large boxes of soda, and a delightful cake. White. Not chocolate. Delicious.

To start out the night, we waited until everyone was there, then we feasted. I think we polished off all the pizza but it was too long ago to remember. Nothing speaks to a crowd of the rowdy like freakin pizza.  After pizza came cake, yadda yadda, fun times. *FAST FORWARD*

My day of celebrated birth is in January, and in the podunk towns of the north, that means snow. Lots of it. So we tried to entertain ourselves in the house as much as possible until we couldn't stand but to go outside anymore. We did dumb things. Fun things. Retarded things. Really, we stacked ourselves into pyramids, made our names on the floor out of our bodies, took pictures of all the shenanigans... it was weird. So much fun.  After a while we moved out to the back room and started to consume all the soda in the house. That's a lot of soda just for twelve girls. We did the "would you rather" games, "truth or dare" games, and the oh so famous "I've never" games. Soda was running low and we were getting cabin fever. Outside we go.

First place of destination- (for the protection of name's sake as I do in every story of mine) Patrick Lampho's house. Ohhhh Patrick. Imagine if you will- about ten'o'clock at night and twelve girls show up at your doorstep because the birthday girl wants to see you. Silly crushes silly crushes. Brown hair, blue eyes... not your classic blue, this crazy electric blue, and a smile that would kill any girl. I was chatting.... not really. More like blushing and begging the gals to shut their coon calls so I could compose myself. A few minutes of that, then the gals were getting antsy. We made a motion to walk back to my house then there were two old guys walking by. To us, the immediate assumption of  'Thug' status considering their clothing and their age. Probably high school guys at the time, but to us they looked years older than what they really were.  The two boldest of the group, (at this time, it was not me if you can imagine) started yelling at them to screw off and started flipping them the bird. This is the part of the party where we run.

Leaving Patrick at the corner of his block, all girls running about four blocks back to my place- thugs following. Two girls hysterically crying in fear. Hehe. Funny. We get back to my place and shut the curtains to the big picture windows- thugs still outside. They proceed to throw snowballs at my huge window. Uh oh. The mother is alerted. "What is going on?" Uhm... nothing. Going upstairs.

We go up to my room, peering down at the guys. They run away. We chilled in my room for a while until someone started looking through my book stash- then found my book of scary stories. Lights out, all but a flashlight. The stories went on until one by one went downstairs into the living room again, bored of stories. We laid out our sleeping bags and pillows to get ready for bed but we were so jacked up on soda and cake there was no way we were going to bed so early..... well, at one in the mornin anyway. We told our own stories about home, families, other birthday parties, and whatever else came to mind.  At one point we got too loud and my mum came into the living room, "Girls please, it's three in the morning, let's simmer down." 

Didn't even realize it was so late. We were up for about another hour, only three of us up the whole night, and by ten, everyone was waken again to eat breakfast.  That was perhaps one of the funnest breakfasts I've ever had. Toaster strudels, waffles, french toast sticks, everything that came in a box. Not my mum's style, but everyone had something they liked best. The parents were to start picking up at noon. Until then, I needed a way to entertain the ladies. Being a southerner, you can bet your ass I had been to Mardi Gras and luckily still had all my bead necklaces from the parades. I did drawings for them- for dice ones, fish ones, sparkly ones, and the traditional round purple, gold, and green. Everyone left with a little something since I didn't have any goodie bags to leave them with.

It was down to the last gal and I, and I walked her home since she lived down the alley from me. We talked about the previous night and giggled about everyone's little secrets. Seriously one of the most memorable birthdays I've ever had.  When the pictures got developed I showed everyone- the greatest and most diverse group of gals ever to hit that small town of havoc.

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