Sunday, September 25, 2011

Morning Person?

I'm never offended to be awaken early, let alone at all. But there are particular moods in which I am terribly tired and if you wake me I can react in one of two ways- so violent you better watch out, (my queer learned this one the hard way) or you will get the most random sayings possible ( in which my asian learned this the humorous way)

I love telling my stories to a crowd and at said college, there is an Open Mic Night that used to happen every Monday or Tuesday night... or something like that.... anywho, at the hall I was in last year, my Queer lived right down the hall and I knew all the ladies in my wing so I had no problem leaving my door unlocked. I passed out hard core one afternoon, skipping dinner and all. Didn't even have time to take off my spike stilettos. Queer comes in to wake me for dinner and I was quite snappy, none of which I remember. He again came some time later trying to wake me for Open Mic Night, knowing how fun it was for me.
A bit later I wake and I see that I am late for Open Mic. I haul ass to the student building it was to take place in. After I get up and tell whatever story was on the mind that night, I go to sit by Queer. He did not look pleased. "Why didn't you wake me for this?" I asked. 
He looked at me like I'd just shat my pants and tried to smear it on the wall. "I DID!"
I looked at him confused. He proceeded to tell me that when he entered my room, first he shook me and I mumbled. Then a little more aggressively and I began shouting profanities at him about how tired I was and how much I was going to stab him with my heel and how much of an ass he was for waking me. The last thing he did was take a picture of my limp body on the bed and splash me with water.

Another time I was awaken by the Asian. You must understand, the semester it happened was a semester of little to no sleep, seeing as how I had schooling all day, theatre by evening, and worked graveyards 10pm-7am.  I usually crashed at his place because he lived in the town I worked and I did not. He tried waking me one afternoon for a class or something of the sort. He tells it that he gently shook me and I rolled over, not opening my eyes, only to whisper, "Asians everywhere....." and rolled over and went back to sleep.
He decided it was cute enough to let me sleep.  I'm guessing it was due to the fact we'd done nothing but watch Japanese movies for days.... other than that, I've no explanation for the comment save the dreams that come with the movies.

Of course, the most recent tale that brings me to why I even wrote about my odd sleeping habits- Again, the Asian and I had passed out.  I guess I was the one that woke this time and tried to wake him up. It's still funny to me because I remember only blips. He says I kissed him and said,
"I love you, even if you hate the fries."
"Oh shit! Why am I thinking about work?"
After that last statement, he says I burst out laughing, in the fashion that I do, and laughed myself to sleep only to wake up less than a couple hours later.

Anyone else have odd sleepings and/or wakenings?  Tell me in the comment section!

1 comment:

  1. Chris and I sleep talk. Sometimes I'd be asleep behind him in our bedroom when he'd still be up playing video games. I'd wake up and mumble some crazy bullshit to him and he'd be like 'wtf saraya, you're not making any sense' and then I'd be like, 'I AM TOO, DON'T BE MEAN' and then go back to sleep. He's said some weird shit to me too, I'd laugh about it for days. :)
