Thursday, January 19, 2012

Starts with One Good Thing

So, today was your average shit day.

Wake up five minutes before work, throw on clothes, fighting the migraine pounding, and nonetheless on the second day of college- the busiest at a grille on campus.  Not so fun when you're a cook and everything else.  College kids and professors alike rolling in, hungry as hell, and impatient as all get out.  I and two other ladies were working our asses off, grilling, frying, dishing as fast as we could-

And I swear if I hear one more impatient bitch complain about not having her food after five minutes, I will cut a bitch. I will CUT her. Anywho,

I get done with work and head for a nice cold shower, thinking I have another hour and ten before my class starts. I get all dolled up after the shower. It's what I do on days that start out terrible. I dress up in colours and it's an instant picker-upper... let me paint this our for you-

Mustard tights, red/yellow/green floral skirt, striped shirt with a grey vest and brown boots.. I know, sounds hideous, but if it makes my mood better then you better damn roll with it! Oh, and you can't forget my blue hair... oh that blue hair... no one forgets that.
I look in the mirror, smile, sigh, check my schedule again for the room and... oh yes, oh but YES today of all days. Fate would have it that the class actually doesn't start at two like I thought. It starts at one. So I'm not going to be 15 minutes early, I'm going to be 45 minutes late. So I decide not to go. One day, I can afford it. 

I head to the Damn Asian's place to do my laundry.  It's free, it just makes sense for me to go there instead of paying up the ass for dryers that might or might not work the first two times.

The smell of 5+ men in one house can be quite nauseating. Add that to the migraine and we have ourselves a frustrated ginger with a terrible attitude.  I head back to my place to take care of more campus things... like figure out this whole getting out of a terrible class bit, yet into another one so I'm still considered a full time student.

I walk to the music building to talk to the professor there, hang out in an acting class for a while, and eventually leave, still in a downer mood.

As I'm coming to the crosswalk in 7th Street- the street that divides our college grounds- a truck rolls up. A big truck. One might say a "big dick" truck around there parts.  You know, the over compensating looking trucks that could be easily used for real work but probably just some kid who has a penis complex. That kind.

I wait for the truck to go first, having already a previous issue with the 'type' I classify them in.  I see the passenger in the truck staring at me as he starts to roll down his window.

Here it comes. Just pile it on, buddy.

He rolls down the window as they're driving away and yells out,

"You're beautiful!"

I didn't know what to say.  I didn't say anything.  I smiled at this kind passer-by.  He smiled back. 

I held my head high on my walk back to my hall.  I smiled the whole way. That smile that is usually plastered on my face day to day.  That smile was put back on my face from the act of a kind stranger I was quick to assume about.  Perhaps there is still hope in this world.

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