Saturday, July 16, 2011

Ohhh caaanadaaa! PT 2

Where were we... ah yes. Just got back to the hotel, ready for a full night's rest...Well. As good of one as we can get- we knew we'd be walking that day. As poor kids, we'd be walking everywhere- including seven miles to our first destination at the Calgary Zoo.

We got up, and set out for some lunch. I loved that town. Love that town. so busy, everyone out and about, so festive. I miss it. Anywho, we find a nice place. "Dude we're eighteen, let's get drinks." Belle smiled at me.
I'd never had a drink before. I wasn't like everyone else in high school. Didn't really have the want or need for it. Aside from the fact I never had access to it but that didn't bother me one bit. I just looked at her with an unsure look. "Okay. Okay, yeah. Sounds like an adventure."
We walked in and clearly didn't fit the move of the place- bright dresses, all prettied up for the big town, full of adventure. Everyone else, mostly men mind you, were dressed like.... well, like anyone in the city would be i suppose. Blending in with their grays and blues and dark coloured clothing. We took a high top next to a window. It was beautiful and sunny that day. Our waitress came over, smiling at us. "Hello ladies can i get you anything to drink while you're looking at the menu?"
"Long island iced tea for me." Belle says. She looks at me.
"I have no idea." I giggle.
"Do you have anything fruity?" Belle asks.
The waitress thinks. "Not really, this is more of a guys bar." She smiles. As if we hadn't looked around.
"I know what to get you." She smiles again and walks off.
We exchange looks, shrug, and start looking at the menu again. I don't even remember what I ordered that day. I just remember the drink. The drink that started a wonderful craving for a wonderful taste.
She brought out our drinks, Belle sipping her's immediately in delight.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Vodka, 7up, and raspberry flavouring."
I took a sip. Wonderful. Not everyone can remember their first drink. Not everyone cared. I'll never forget the sweet, cold sensation with the aftertaste of something musky. Mmm.
We left there and went to the liquor store.
After that we set off for the zoo. We walked to that zoo wide-eyed. The city life so wonderful. When we got to the zoo we were there four hours and didn't even get to see everything it was so big. Our legs hurt on the way back. We stopped at a second hand store and got sweet vintage clothing. Then stopped at a swimsuit shop to get some board shorts to go swimming at our pool. 
We swam around for a little while. A long while. The water felt marvelous on our tired legs.
"I wanted to go to the bar tonight. There's one attached to the hotel." She said.
"Okay, I'm game." We walked out a little while before that happened. Across the street there was another bar we walked by that day. "I hope she knows she doesn't match." A woman said from what we now call The Insult Box. It was a bar that had windows you could sit at to view the street.
Belle laughed at her, looking at my red plaid shirt, orange pants, and purple shoes that day.
"Man, eff that ho!"
We were getting hungry, so we finally decided to hop in the camero and go eat at a Hooters. I'd never been to one of those either.  We ate, drank merrily, and tipped the waitress in loonies and toonies in a picture. I had to drive us home hehe.
We sat at the room for only a short while and headed down to the bar.  A quiet little place. "Want to go to the insult box?" Belle asked. We walked across the street and sat exactly where the lady sat before. We decided to make it our compliment box and yell compliments to people outside the window to counteract the insults earlier. Also random comments like " THE HYPOTENUSE WOULD HAVE BEEN SHORTER!" Good times.
Whilst commenting people, three boys walked by. They chatted, then walked in and sat with us at our compliment box. Ivan was the tallest of the three and sat next to me. A bald german. He shaved it all off he told us. He was our age. The other was a picture ruiner we found out later, and the other some skinny brunette boy that spilled his beer on me. He was the first to leave. The bartender came over to us and handed me an Belle a couple of shots. "This is for being the craziest Americans I've ever seen!"
We left the bar with the two remaining guys that night. Roamed the town, and ended up at another bar. It was about three in the morning by the time we got there- the doors closed after we walked in. It was a wild night at this bar. They were open hours later than they should have been and we even met some guy who called himself by the name of Skittles and two German models that asked for a threesome.
Lots of wild things went on that night but I don't feel the liberty to share them all via internet and only word of mouth.

What happens in Canada should stay in Canada.

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