Friday, July 8, 2011

What Is and What Is Meant

I live about 20 minutes from Town in a smaller town that doesn't have any stores, stops, or cops. Then again I guess a speed limit would have to be there for any cops to have anything to do. You must also know that for the past week there has been construction in between my little town and the Town.

I was driving back today- and in my rear-view mirror, noticed someone in a GMC driving like a maniac, passing everyone in his path in a construction zone. Wow. Really buddy? If you gotta pee that bad just pull over. Anywho, before I knew it, the crazy man was right behind me.
Oh no. Not this little lady you don't. You wait like everyone else! He not only rode the yellow line but...  well literally rode ON it! Seeing to pass me! Uh huh. Try it. I dare ya, was my first thought. As soon as I looked up again, we were coming to a stop behind a long line of cars. The flagger was notifying everyone that it would be about ten minutes.
I park my car, listen to some jams, and look at the man behind me again- though it is clear NO ONE is going anywhere or moving, he scoots his car up. Again. And again.
"NO ONE IS MOVING TARDASS!" I scream. But my beats were much louder than that and I'm not even sure his window was rolled down. We all sit there a while, staring at what is in front of the other. Then I notice the man get out, and two little girls about eleven or so. They walk to the front of their big vehicle thing and stare at my license plate. They giggle, point at it to show their -assumed- father, and got out their phones to take pictures.
I open my car door, "Something funny ladies?" I said with a smile. We'll see how this goes.
They shake their heads with excitement. "We like your plate! How did you get it?"
My plates are personalized and say KISSES. Used to be something I said whenever leaving someone. Like 'goodbye' or 'see ya'. I thought it might be appropriate for my car.
"I asked for them to be that way." I giggled, " I thought you were going to ask what an OKAPI was," as I have SAVE THE OKAPI on my plate frame. The man approaches me.
Dear Lord, I think, I'm about to rip him a new one.
"Wow, what is the deal, eh? Do you have to do this everyday?" He asked.
Hm. Seemed friendly enough.
"Yes sir, I live in (little town) about well.. only ten minutes from here going the speed limit. It's been like this for about a week now."
"Well what on Earth are they doing?" He asked.
"Well," I started, actually knowing now because I asked the same thing myself earlier that morning to one of the workers."They're stripping the road, filling the cracks, that sort of thing."
"They can't think of a better system than this? This is ridiculous! Where I'm from, Chicago, everyone would have passed the flagger for this! You don't seem like you're from here.The way you talk that is..."
I could tell by that tone, he was meaning the way I dressed too. Not exactly Montana country girl attire- Stilettos, dressed up for only I knew what, and the biggest prescription glasses you've ever seen; round and shot out from the 70's. "No sir, Mississippi." I say it with a little pride. Always good to know I'm never claimed from this state I take residency in.
"Ah, well I'm trying to get across the border today." He notions to the girls, "Taking these girls up to Calgary to see Tegan and Sara." He laughs to himself, " MY summer vacation and I take these guys to see em. What a dad huh?" As he rolls his eyes.
Wish my dad was that cool.
"Wow awesome! You gals have a good time!" I said.
"Yeah thanks." They smiled.
"You could have gone through (Town) you know. Canada is forty miles away, go straight up to Medicine Hat and take a left all the way to Calgary. Only seven hours." I advised.
"Too late now." He motioned in Town's direction, quite a drive considering construction but only ten minutes if there were none. "I guess." I said. "The border closes at nine."
"No kidding?" He says.
" Yes sir, I go every summer. You'll get there in time going this way too." Seeing it was only a little after five.
"What are we supposed to do if we don't? Get a hotel?" He asked a little worried.
I just shrugged, " I guess. But I know you'll make it."
I decided he was a good guy, so I let him in on a little secret.
"Hey, when you come back across from Canada to America, they'll ask you if you purchased anything while there. You tell them no. Tell them you were just at the waterslides or something."
He looked a little confused.
"If you tell them you bought something, even a soda or a shirt, they'll tax the ever living out of it then you'll have to pay. The catch is, it goes to the border guys that do it. It's just another way of getting money out of you, just say you don't have anything. They'll check in the windows and trunk, but if you get a souvenir hide it in your suitcase. You'll be fine."
"Gee thanks!" He smiled at me. We both looked at the direction our cars were going. We saw trail of cars from the other direction coming. It was almost time to get going. "Well, y'all have a safe trip." I said, getting into my car. He shook my hand, "You have a great night now miss."
"Yes sir."
We went for what seemed like forever down that stretch of road. I periodically looked behind me and noticed the man was no longer trying to pass me. He no longer looked rushed. Just stayed behind me. It was coming to my turn off, and I put on my blinker. The crazy man pulled up next to me in the other lane, "Thanks again!" He said out his window, "This your turn?" "Yes sir!" I said, " Hey, while you're up there, go to the Zoo, it's phenomenal!" " Oh we will!" He replied, and waved as I turned off.

I could have taken a different route with that man in conversation that day. I could have told him what an ass he was being, what a dumb driver he was, but had I opened my mouth with cruel intentions instead of kindness, I'd have never understood his intentions. Just a single father taking a couple girls to see a performance. He was rushing for the girls. Not because he was angry at the world. I wish more people did this in day to day life- showed a smile instead of a snarl. Listen. Then act.

1 comment:

  1. He had a good reason to rush. Tegan and Sara are awesome.
