Thursday, July 7, 2011

Room 123

I'm working at a hotel that I'm not sure I'm able to say the name of, so we'll just leave it alone for legal sake.

So at this particular hotel, I, and a friend that happened to start workin there at the same time, are about two weeks in. We're still n00bs, but we kick ass at our job and we get stuff done. Anywhozers, To begin our morning routine, we have to meet in the break room, get our papers- one assigned for each floor- six floors. On said particular day, I walked in to a few of the fellow housekeepers shocked and looking to each other in horror.
"Room 123 is leaving! Room 123 is leaving!"
"Who is the room assigned to?!"
Everyone was so uppity about this particular room, I had to ask.
"What's with room 123?"

"Oh man!" The tale began, "He's been in there for ten days now! Never let anyone in to clean it, give him new towels, nothing!" Said one of the ladies.
"Yeah! Someone at the front desk told me that they took him by taxi two times a day for beer and have never seen any boxes come out!"
Wow.  I gotta see what this room is like! I thought. You know, only so much drama can go on whilst housekeeping, so this was definitely the gossip of the summer. 
"So who has the room?" I was also now a little antsy to see who had the room of doom.
"She does" One of the women pointed and looked at the door as my friend- we'll call her T- walked into the break room.
"Good luck...." Someone said to her. She was a bit confused so I filled her in.
Our supervisor walks into the break room. She knows what all the fuss is about. Her face gets serious and she said to all "I don't want anyone going into that room without a facemask and gloves."
After we collaborated and got our floors assigned, I walked T to her floor- we looked down the hall to where the Room was- one of the maintenance guys was hauling out beer box after beer box after beer box- finally had a stack about to his neck. Kids, he's not short guy. By any means. He had a disgusted look on his face. Disgusted and pissed.
"Good luck to whoever one of you has to clean that shit up. I can't even believe this...." He walks off.
I look at T.
She looks at me.
We walk closer to the room, getting a whiff of a strange funk.
Finally we realized the reek was coming from the Room. We peered around the corner, and anyone would have dropped their jaw from what we saw-
 Beer. Everywhere. Cans, cups, spills, mess... everywhere. Opened cans, empty cans, crushed cans, full cans, not even opened cans- in the bathroom, in the bed, all over. That's not the worst part. Many of us prayed that day that THAT was the worst...
There was chewing tobacco stuck to the dresser and desk. Puke on the floor- and yes, in the sheets. Where the man slept. For ten days. Towels covered in Lord knows what- browns, blacks, reds just a horrendous slew of colour never wanted to be seen. LITERAL FECES on the OUTSIDE of the toilet, and later to be found under the bed and on the mattress. This man had no animal with him. There was piss that lined the tops of the dresser. The lamps detached from their shades.
"There is no excuse for this..." Our supervisor comes up from behind us.
"I can't even fathom... just one guy! Ten days!" I said.
"They have been airing it out all morning and it still smells." She said.
I headed to my floor to start my cleaning- just happened to be the day that all baseball teams checked out. I had quite the mess to clean myself- spilled shakes everywhere, ripped off towel racks, spit balls on televisions, microwaves, and dressers... If I ever see a red team, green team, or purple team for baseball about high school age walking down the street... I don't know why they'd be there but if they ever were... I'd take one of their OWN bats and start swinging. Perhaps at some smaller balls than what they're used to hitting.
So at lunch time, everyone was curious as to how it went.
"I kneel'd in piss. I put my hand in puke; though I was wearing two gloves on each hand it was still gross."
We all had our horror stories to tell about the baseball teams and how their coaches are morons for letting them behave as such, but T took the cake for worst room that day.
"You guys don't get paid enough to put up with something like that. That is just nasty." Said our boss.

So, mister, whoever you are out there, know that you are not only NOT allowed back at the hotel, but any other *SAID NAME* hotel around the state. Consider yourself hated.

1 comment:

  1. Dude waaaaat DX
    I never understood how people can be like that.
    *feels bad leaving a towel on the floor when she leaves*
